Alex resides in a residential care home with 5 other residents. The unit specialises in residents with learning disabilities. This is run by a not for profit organisation. Alex has his own large room on the ground floor. This is close to the WC, the communal bathroom, the living room and the kitchen.
Alex is 64 years old, has downs syndrome and has recently been diagnosed with dementia. Alex reported painful knee, possibly due to osteoarthritis and high blood pressure. During the visit our OT worked closely with the unit staff as well as A’s sister to ascertain the difficulties Alex was having. These tended to be around his personal care.
Our OT carried out a full assessment with Alex and his sister looking at areas such as access in / out of the unit, the stairs, the bathroom, dressing and grooming, and transfers on / off the bed / toilet and chair. Alex’s hobbies and interests were discussed and how to continue ensuring that Alex could do the activities he enjoyed such as craft activities and watching films with his friends in the lounge.
A reclining bath lift such as the Aquila bath lift.
A support rail is installed in a diagonal position adjacent to the bath for support with getting on / off the lift.
A profiling bed and new mattress.
A bed rail to support with transfers on / off the bed.
A one-way glide sheet for the seat to prevent A from slipping forward.
A fabric swivel seat to assist with car transfers.
A length of mop stick rail to support with moving safely along the communal corridor to access the kitchen and bathroom.
A toilet frame for support with toilet transfers.
We also recommended referral to a Physiotherapist for a mobility assessment
The above items of equipment were purchased via Home Independence Services and supported Alex is being more independent within his care setting.
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